Zodiac Signs and the Sacred Worship of Maa Laxmi on Diwali

Diwali is around the corner, and each one of us has a list of our own plans. We all grew up listening to,'Diwali is the festival of lights, colours, and sweets.' Well, we honestly feel that, though this line holds the complete truth, it is one of the most cliched things we’ve ever heard.
Yes, Diwali is all about light, colour, and that brouhaha-but its real essence is to learn how to worship the powerful deities and meditate on their celestial forms.
The deities do have a connection with the stars up there. Don’t you think? Well then, we prove it here!
Lakshmi Puja is an integral part of Diwali celebrations. But here, rather than going the usual way of worshipping the prime form of Maa Lakshmi, we bring you her various forms that are specific to your zodiac signs. The stars in your zodiac connect with the different celestial forms of Maa Lakshmi. And each of her twelve forms mentioned here gives different results!
So check what’s your Rashi and be prepared to worship your beloved Maa Lakshmi in that special form of hers.
Well, before we begin, we have a small note for you to drop. While you spot the specific form of Maa Lakshmi and worship her on the day of Lakshmi puja, don’t forget to worship Shri Ganesh first. After all, nothing auspicious can commence before the worship of Mata Parvati’s beloved son. Once you’re done worshipping Shri Ganesh, you may then proceed to pray, love, and meditate over the form (of Mata Laxmi) that relates to your zodiac sign.
Aries a
Dear Arian, this Laxmi Puja-paint yourself red! Yes. Mars is your natural ruler, and thus, red is your colour, so you may paint your house walls red. This will attract the right kind of energy to keep you grounded.'
Worship the Rama Swaroop of Maa Laxmi. Light an earthen lamp at the entrance of your main door and offer red flowers to Rama Devi. But before you do so- worship Shree Ganesh with red flowers, yellow, and kumkum. Worshipping Rama Devi will pull you out of financial problems and attract good luck.
Mantra- Om Ramadevyayi Namah II
Taurus b
Taurus, Venus is your planet. White symbolises purity and is the right colour for your puja room. This Diwali, absorb the great qualities of the colour white and worship the Mohini Swarup of Maa Laxmi with white flowers (preferably white lotus). You may also use pink lotus to worship Maa Mohini. She will also be pleased if you offer her white sweets in prasad.
Maa Mohini will keep an eye on your unresolved debts, and deteriorating work prospects and remove you from the financial doldrums.
Mantra- Shri Hreem Kleem Siddhalakshmayi Namah II
Gemini c
Dear Gemini, the planet Mercury is your prime ruler. So, green is your colour! Green is the colour of wealth and abundance. So, it is indeed a great idea to paint your puja room green before you commence Laxmi puja. At this Laxmi Puja, worship the Padmakshi Swarup of Maa Laxmi. As your traits reveal, you are too quick and impulsive while making your financial decisions. Nothing makes Maa Padmakshi happier than custard apples!
Worshipping the Padmakshi form of Maa Laxmi will enable you to make the right decisions.
Mantra- Om Shri Laxmi Devyayi Namah Shri Hreem II
Cancer d
Dear Cancer, the Moon is your prime ruler. So, white is your colour. This Laxmi puja, you may paint your puja room white. You’re sensitive at heart and delicate in health. Thus, a financial crisis won’t take too long to affect you.
At this Laxmi puja, worship the Kamala Swaroop of Maa Laxmi. This Goddess will not only resolve your financial plight but also grant you good health. Worship her with pink flowers (preferably lotus flowers) and offer her white sweets.
Mantra- Om Namah Kamalvasinye Swaha II
Leo e
The mighty Sun is your ruler, dear Leo. So now you know where your urge for excellence comes from! Yellow is your colour, and this Diwali is an excellent time to splash some shades of yellow/blood red on the walls of your puja room.
Devi Krantimati is the form of Maa Laxmi. This Laxmi puja is the best time to worship this goddess. Worshipping Maa Krantimati will control your pride and ensure your financial security.
Mantra- Om Shrim Hreem Shrim Mahalaxmaye Namah II
Virgo f
Dear Virgo, Mercury is your natural ruling planet. This Diwali, you may paint your puja room in shades of green. This is the best time for you to worship Aparajita Devi. She is the form of Maa Laxmi and is symbolic of a strong woman with three eyes.
Worshipping Maa Aparajita on the day of Laxmi puja will curb your anxiety (about financial gains), sharpen your analytical skills and help you make the right decisions in risky investments.
To achieve your financial targets, offer green sweets and paan as bhog to Maa Aparajita.
Mantra: Om Aparajitay Namah II (minimum 11 times)
Libra g
Dear Libran, you are under the rule of the planet Venus. This Diwali, before you commence the Laxmi puja, paint your puja room in shades of white or pink. It is the best time for you to worship Devi Padmavati, the form of Maa Laxmi. You may dress her in pink or red robes (if you don’t have her idol, you can use her picture as well). You may worship her with white sweets and red and white flowers.
Maa Padmavati will keep a check on your lavish spending habits and pull you out of financial losses.
Mantra: Om Om Padmavati Namah Swaha II
Scorpio h
Dear Scorpio, you come under the rulership of the all-powerful planet Mars. Thus, this Diwali is the best time to splash some blood red or bright orange on the walls of your puja room. You can also use pure white to paint your puja room.
Worship Maa Laxmi's Radha Swarup during this Laxmi puja. Worship her with white, pink, or orange flowers and pomegranates as prasad. She will watch over your finances and resolve the problem of your debts and unexpected finances.
Mantra: Om Shrim Kleem Ram Radhay Namah II
Sagittarius i
Dear Sagi, your prime ruler is Jupiter. This is the best time to paint your puja room with shades of light yellow or bright orange. While you perform your austerities on the day of Laxmi puja, invoke the goddess Vishalkshi.
Devi Vishalakshi is the form of Maa Laxmi. With her ‘large eyes', she keeps a check on your impulse spending, gives you financial stability and fulfils your wishes, especially related to expensive ornaments. On Laxmi puja, offer her red shoe flowers, palak leaves, and rock sugar for the bhog.
Mantra: Om Shodashaswarupine Namah II
Capricorn j
Saturn is your primary ruler, Cap! So, this Diwali, paint your puja room with shades of light purple or placid white. On the day of Laxmi puja, worship Maa Laxmi in her prime or real form. She is your protector and will keep a watch over your debts, bad credit, and lack of income (if all is well, then worship her to express your gratitude towards the Divine Mother).
Worship Maa Laxmi with a rose or a pink lotus flower and offer her phirni, kheer, or sweets made of coconut and jaggery.
Mantra: Om Mahalaxmaye Namah II
Aquarius k
Dear Water-bearer, like your forerunner Capricorn, you too come under the rulership of Saturn. So, this Diwali is a good time to paint the puja room with lighter shades of purple. You may also use white colour to beautify your puja room. This Laxmi puja, worship the Rukmani Swarup of Maa Laxmi. Offer her white flowers and sweets made of ghee. You may also offer her items of white metal like silver.
Maa Rukmini will keep a check on your reckless spending habits and too much optimism about your finances. Before you worship Maa Rukmani, worship Lord Ganesh with yellow and a red shoe flower. You may also tie the banyan root at the main entrance of your house.
Mantra- Om Hreem Rukmani Om Shrim Swaha II
Pisces l
Dear Pisces, your natural ruler is the planet Jupiter. To attract good luck and fortune this Laxmi puja, paint your puja room with shades of white.
Maa Lakshmi puja is the best time to worship the Vilakshana Swarup of Maa Lakshmi. Offer her white flowers, red chunri, and nariyal laddoos in the bhog. This Divine Mother will teach you to keep a fine balance between money and worldly pleasures and will remove your economic hurdles.
Mantra- Om Hreem Jayayeh Ajitdhamavasthaayai Hreem Shrim Swaha II
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