Leo Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Leo for September 2024

Hey there, Leo! Welcome to September. This month is going to bring some big changes to your career, and there might be some drama in your love life too. In August, the sun moved into Virgo, which probably brought some work opportunities your way. But even if things didn't pan out exactly as you'd hoped, you were still pretty busy. In fact, you might be feeling a little burned out right now.

In astrology, the second house is all about money, possessions, and emotions. And this month, the New Moon in Virgo is landing in your second house on September 16. This is going to be a really important time for any career decisions you need to make. Don't listen to the haters who aren't supporting you. Remember who you are, where you came from, and the special talents that only *you* have. Nobody does it quite like you, Leo, so keep that in mind.

This month might not be all smooth sailing. Mars is moving into Cancer on September 4, which could bring some challenges your way. But remember, without pressure, we'd never have diamonds. Sometimes, you've got to push through the tough stuff to get to the real happiness on the other side.

One of your big goals this month is finding a good balance between work and the rest of your life. Uranus, the rebel planet, is going retrograde in your 10th House of Social Status. This is going to change how you think about getting recognition. At the same time, transformative Pluto is also going retrograde and moving into your 6th House, which is all about self-care. Thanks to a new moon around this time, you'll be able to figure out a schedule and plan that works for you and matches up with your goals.

Watch out for an eclipse in your 8th House, which is the sex and intimacy zone. This could bring some drama to your romantic life, so it's best to take it easy around that time. Mars is bringing you psychic messages, and Libra season will have you feeling super creative. By the end of the month, Venus and Mercury will help you work out any issues with your partner that might have come up during the eclipse.

Your monthly affirmation is: "I attract opportunities that bring me financial prosperity."

Money is definitely on your mind, thanks to Virgo season lighting up your finance sector. Your September horoscope might have you wanting to live the high life. The new moon on September 2 is a good time to think about some long-term investments. That could mean your bank account, your relationships, or your personal growth. If you need to start saving up after all the birthday celebrations, this energy will help you do that.

The lunar eclipse on September 17 is going to be intense. It's asking you to really look under the hood and see what's going on in your life. Do some of your relationships need a tune-up? Are your boundaries not as strong as they should be? Are you avoiding some fears that are starting to cause problems? Deal with this stuff now, before it turns into a full-blown crisis.

Once the fall equinox hits on September 22, you can shake off the heavy vibes and have some fun. The sun in Libra is lighting up your communication zone, so you'll be feeling extra social. Especially once Mercury joins the party on September 26. Speak your truth at the end of the month, when Mercury is in a powerful position. You'll know exactly what needs to be said.

So, Leo, this month is all about career changes, finding balance, and dealing with any drama in your love life. It might not be easy, but you've got the strength and talent to push through and come out shining on the other side. Just remember to take care of yourself along the way, and don't be afraid to speak up when you need to. You've got this!



July 23 - Augest 21










"Just like the Lion, I am regal in the true sense. Call me Leo, the kindest of all. I am energetic, enthusiastic and outgoing. Ruled by the Sun, I hold the trait of a leader. Here I am, ambitious by nature, straightforward and charismatic, I am everything that a lion is known for."


As majestic and impressive as the Lion that represents their sign, Leos are the natural leaders of the zodiac. Radiantly enthusiastic, magnanimous with their charm and gifts, and fiercely proud and confitlent_ Leoslove and live life to the fullest and expect, indeed need In be at the helm at home, Work, and play. Wonderfully affectionate, dramatic, and creative — there are many Leos among the actors of the world — Leos hate srnall~ mindedness and nit-picking. But they themselves arc occasionally stubborn, autocratic, and dogmatic.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Creative , Passionate , Generous , Humorous


Arrogant , Stubborn , Lazy , Inflexible

Favorable Colors


Favorable Numbers


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