Libra Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Libra for September 2024

Hey there, Libra! If you've been feeling like your life has been on hold lately, get ready to press play again in September. Mars is moving into your tenth house of career on September 4, which means this month is going to be super important for making your dreams a reality. Take a moment to ask yourself: are you happy with your job? If you could change something, what would it be? If there are any work-related questions you need answers to, this is the month to start looking for them.

As if that wasn't enough, the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces is also going to bring you a ton of cool and creative ideas. Pay attention to all the thoughts that come to you, and remember that if you can dream it, you can do it.

This month, you're letting your sexuality change and grow, thanks to the rebel planet Uranus going retrograde in your sensual 8th House. On the same day, the intense planet Pluto, also retrograde, is moving into the part of your chart that's all about comfort. Use the Virgo new moon to think about what's working in your sex life and what isn't. Mars is going to help you get ahead at work, but you'll probably want to rest during the full moon and eclipse that happens in the middle of the month.

Then, the sun moves into your sign, which means it's Libra season. Happy birthday! Your ruling planet, the lovely Venus, is going to help you ask for more money, while Mercury will help you with any negotiations.

Welcome to September, Libra! Your birthday season starts this month, and there's also a wild eclipse that's telling you to take it easy. In August, a powerful full moon encouraged you to find new ways to feel good, and that theme is going to continue this month in a big way.

Your monthly affirmation is: "I am at peace with my past and I look forward to my future."

Your birthday is coming up fast, and your September horoscope is making sure you get rid of anything that's not helping you, so you have room for some birthday blessings. The new moon on September 2 wants you to look inside yourself, so taking a break from your busy social life to spend some time alone is a good idea. Getting in touch with yourself is smart right now anyway, because Venus, your ruling planet, is meeting up with the South Node of Destiny in your sign the next day. This will force you to let go of any attachments that are holding you back.

Venus is going to be busy while it's in your sign this month. When it makes a nice angle to lucky Jupiter on September 14, you'll feel a big burst of optimism. You're quickly realizing that whatever you've had to let go of lately wasn't something you wanted anyway. Better things are coming.

The lunar eclipse a few days later gives you one last chance to break any bad habits before your birthday season starts on September 22. At that point, it's time to party! The sun in your sign will boost your confidence, and you'll want to hang out with friends once Mercury joins the sun a few days later. The powerful Mercury in your sign on September 30 could bring all sorts of exciting new ideas, so start thinking about your birthday goals.

So, Libra, this month is all about making your career dreams come true, exploring your sexuality, and getting ready for an amazing birthday season. You might have to let go of some things that aren't serving you but trust that better things are on the way. Just remember to take care of yourself, especially during the eclipse, and don't be afraid to ask for what you want. You've got this!



September 24 - Octomber 23










"I Libra, specialize in balancing of relationship. Charming, harmonious and polished are my traits. The only peacemaker you’ll know. Here I am, socially inclined and hold a strong sense of justice. I govern partnerships, relations and close associations. "


Outgoing, warm-hearted, and very sociable, Librans like the Scales that represent the sign, are frequently concerned with achieving balance, harmony, peace, and justice in the people and in the world around themi And they are well-equipped to do that with their enormous reserves of charm, cleverness, frankness, persuasion, and easy communication. They tend at times to be too facile and laid-back and have earned an undeserved reputation for laziness. In fact, they can be hard workers and are often leaders in their fields. They are especially good at any “peace-keeping” types of jobs, because they have the remarkable gift of easily seeing (and reconciling) both sides of an issue.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Cooperative , Diplomatic , Gracious , Fair-Minded


Indecisive , Avoids Confrontations , Self-pity

Favorable Colors


Favorable Numbers


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