Scorpio Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Scorpio for September 2024

Congrats, Scorpio! The deal you've been waiting for is almost done, and you're so close to the finish line. It might have been a tough road to get here, but remember, nothing worth having ever comes easy. The wait is always worth it in the end. You can thank Uranus for this win; all you have to do now is trust the process and the people you've let into your inner circle.

Your ruling planet, Mars, is moving into your ninth house of travel, education, and beliefs on September 4. It's going to stay there for two months. This might cause some growing pains in your personal life that are hard to untangle yourself from, but this month will give you the space you need to sort out your feelings on the matter. Remember, you already have everything inside you to get through this storm. It might just be a matter of rearranging your priorities.

September is bringing changes to your relationships. This starts with Uranus going retrograde, which is asking you to look around and see if anyone is holding you back. Pluto retrograde is making moves on the same day, repeating this theme. There's a new moon in Virgo shortly after in your 11th House of Friendships, bringing new people in to replace anyone who's not worthy of your time.

Later in the month, an eclipse in your 5th House of Pleasure might bring some stress to any romantic partnerships. But things should calm down once the sun moves into Libra and Venus enters your sign later in the month. And while the sun is in Libra, know that your psychic abilities and intuition will be extra strong.

Hey there, Scorpio; welcome to September. This month is bringing some rethinking about your relationships and possible disruptions in any romantic partnerships, thanks to a wild eclipse. In August, Mercury went retrograde in your 10th House of Social Status, which could have led to some annoying delays at work. But by the end of the month, the lovely Venus should have come to your rescue.

Your monthly affirmation is: "I am open to making new friends who enrich my life."

These last weeks of summer are the perfect time for hanging out with friends, and luckily, your September horoscope is giving you lots of chances to vibe with your crew. Virgo season energy always brings you out of your shell, and you can use the new moon on September 2 as an opportunity to connect with your community in a more meaningful way. This could be through volunteer work or just going to a local event to meet more people who share your interests. Your traditional ruler Mars zooms into your adventure sector a couple of days later, lighting up your desire to learn new things and have some new experiences. Sometimes, taking a little risk pays off.

Your social life has been busy lately, but the powerful lunar eclipse on September 17 is asking you to turn the cosmic mirror toward yourself. What are you bringing to the groups of people around you? Are you expressing yourself in an authentic way? Your creativity needs a place to shine, and you might need to figure out how to make that happen.

The fall equinox hits on September 22, and romantic Venus enters your sign the same day, promising some fun autumn flirting. Your allure is through the roof, so use it to attract the things you want and bring a little more love into your life.

So, Scorpio, this month is all about big wins, changes in your relationships, and expressing your true self. You might have to rearrange some priorities and let go of people who are holding you back but trust that you have the strength to get through any storms. Just remember to make time for friends, take a little risk now and then, and let your creativity shine. You've got this!



Octomber 24 - November 22










"I am mysterious and secretive in my ways. Cleverness and perceptiveness are my nature. Me Scorpio, I am highly suspicious, ambitious, focused and competitive. I may experience extreme highs and lows but you feel deeply connected and protected around me."


Mysterious Scorpios are deep-thinking, private, intense, very sexual, and always a step removed from the world. Because of their intensity and an obsessive need for privacy, there is often an aura of “danger” around Scorpios — a trait they share, of course, with the deadly Scorpion that symbolizes their sign. But this is only one facet of the rather complex Scorpio personality. They can be driven workers and achievers with the ability to overcome enormously challenging obstacles. They also value their intimate relationships and their friendships quite highly and Work hard to encourage the best in those they love.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Resourceful , Brave , Atrue Friend


Distrusting , Jealous , Violent

Favorable Colors


Favorable Numbers


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