श्वेताम्बरः श्वेतवपुः किरीटी चतुर्भुजो दैत्यगुरुः प्रशान्तः । हयाधिरूढोऽमृतशास्त्रपाणिः प्रसन्नदृष्टिर्वरदस्तु मह्यम ।।
Saturn, MercuryEnemies
Sun, MoonNeutral
Mars, JupiterMooltrikona
Libra 00-150Lord
Taurus, LibraExaltation
Libra 00-150Debilitation
Virgo 270Kalas
South EastLuckyStone
Diamond, white red/ziriconluckyColors
Pink shade, creamShachi, Indrani, Lakshmi
Ghee, camphor, curd, silver, rice, sugar, white cloth flower or cow ( On Friday at Sunrise.)
Handsome body, pleasing appearance and eyes, curly hair, poetic, youthful looks
Ghee, camphor, curd, silver, rice, sugar, white cloth flower or cow ( On Friday at Sunrise.)
Wind, eyes, genital organs, urine, semen
Veneral disease, diabetes, kidney stone, swelling, white leprosy, small-pox, disease of face and private parts
Sensual pleasure, erotic impulses, jeeva
Poetical planet, of materialism, planet of pleasure of flesh and denotes splendour, radiance, vitality, sports and games, art and culture