Pisces Monthly Horoscope Prediction

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Pisces for September 2024

Hey there, Pisces! There's nothing worse than feeling stuck in a rut, but this month, get ready to break free from the chains that have been weighing you down. A new wave of inspiration will come to you during the Lunar Eclipse in your sign on September 17. Grab onto the momentum that this time brings you.

It's not just the seasons that are changing, but you are too. And you'd do well to remind yourself of that. Nothing stays the same forever, including you, dear Pisces. Just don't forget it.

Uranus, the eccentric wild child of the zodiac, is going retrograde in your 3rd House. This is asking you to rethink your communication style. It's happening on the same day that Pluto, the makeover planet, moves into the part of your chart that rules friendship. This kicks off this month's theme of change within your social circles. A new moon in Virgo could bring a new romantic partner into your life, and Mars can help you ask for what you want in bed. The wise asteroid Pallas is bringing more clarity to a friendship. But don't have any big talks or first dates in the middle of the month around the eclipse in your sign. This could bring drama. Once you move into Libra season, there will be plenty of chances to talk about the changes in your relationships.

Welcome to September, Pisces! This month is bringing fresh starts in relationships, plus possible turmoil in the middle of the month because of an eclipse in your sign. In August, you fought for your work/life balance and made it through another Mercury retrograde.

Your monthly affirmation is: "I am enough just as I am."

Virgo season is putting your mind on your partnerships this month. So it makes sense that your Pisces horoscope is bursting with romantic opportunities. The new moon on September 2 is the perfect time to start thinking about commitment. That could mean taking things to the next level with your current partner or making things official with a crush.

A couple of days later, the passionate planet Mars hits your sex and dating sector, turning up the heat on passion. You can also channel this burst of energy into a creative project. But whatever you do, don't let this inspiration go to waste – especially in the middle of the month, when your lucky traditional ruler Jupiter blows a kiss to artistic Venus. Romance is flowing, and so are your artistic visions.

Get ready, because the lunar eclipse in your sign on September 17 is starting a huge new chapter in your life. It's time to shed some old skins. Take off the rose-colored glasses and find the magic in what's actually right in front of you. This reality check sets the stage for the fall equinox, and these cozy vibes are perfect for some deep soul-searching.

It's time to check in on what's happening beneath the surface of your heart and your relationships. At the end of the month, serious Saturn in your sign is vibing with go-getter Mars. This is giving you loads of energy when it comes to chasing passion projects or taking the lead with a lover who you'd like to keep around for the long haul.

So, Pisces, this month is all about breaking free from what's been holding you back, finding inspiration, and embracing the changes happening in your life and relationships. You might have to face some hard truths during the eclipse, but trust that it's all leading you to a new chapter. Just remember to grab onto the momentum, ask for what you want, and don't be afraid to get real about your feelings. You've got this!



February 20 - March 20










"I absorb the sadness all around. I am all about empathy! I hold the power to feel the pain of others. My sensitivity enables to pursue emotions and needs of people. Here I am, using my energy to be productive and helpful."


Sensitive, sensual, emotional, and richly imaginative and creative, Pisceans are the other-worldly dreamers and poets of the zodiac. Deeply affected by the dual nature of their sign — symbolized by the two fishes swimming in opposite directions - Pisceans are often torn between wanting to do something real and valuable in the world (they are often drawn to humanitarian causes and artistic careers) and retreating from the world altogether to the safer harbours of their private worlds of imagination and dreams. This is an enormous pull for Pisceans, and because of its power, they are often prone to extreme nervous tension and even escapism (sometimes into alcohol and drugs), A lack of self- confidence is almost always at the root of a Piscean‘s inability to get on with the real world, but when this weakness can be overcome, they are found among the finest humanitarians and artists in the world.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Compassionate , Artistic , Intuitive , Gentle , Wise


Fearful , Overly trusting , Sad

Favorable Colors


Favorable Numbers


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