Virgo Monthly Horoscope Prediction

Choose Your Zodiac Sign

Virgo for September 2024

Hey there, Virgo! This month is going to be a big one for you. The Full Moon eclipse in Pisces is happening in your relationship zone, so get ready to strengthen and grow your inner circle of supporters. Remember, no one can do it all alone, so make sure you're showing love and appreciation to the people who always have your back. They're truly one of life's greatest treasures.

New Moons in your sign can also spark new ideas and conversations, so expect to have lots of "aha!" moments this month. As a Mercury-ruled sign, there's nothing like Virgo energy to help you get your priorities straight and figure out the best path to success. Just make sure you write all your ideas down so you can make a solid plan.

The wild planet Uranus is going retrograde this month, while Pluto retrograde moves into your 5th House on the same day. Because of these backward movements, you're going to find a new creative outlet that you can't believe you ever lived without. The wise asteroid Pallas is moving into your 4th House, pushing you to notice all the love that surrounds you.

There's an intense eclipse affecting your relationships, so try not to party too hard around that time. Misunderstandings could come up, but you'll be able to smooth things over once the sun moves into Libra later in the month. Plus, September ends with your ruling planet, Mercury, moving into your 2nd House, which will help you with negotiations, especially about money.

Welcome to September, Virgo! In August, your birthday season began, and Ceres, the asteroid of nurturing, reminded you to celebrate – even if people were late to your party because of Mercury retrograde. Even though the sun is leaving your sign for Libra this month, at least Mercury is moving forward again. In September, there's a wild eclipse affecting your relationships, but the stars are also coming through to help you handle these changes with ease.

Your monthly affirmation is: "I am on a road that leads to self-discovery."

The sun is shining in your sign this month, so your Virgo horoscope for August 2024 is full of chances to grow and even completely rewrite some parts of your story. Things start with a new moon in your sign, giving you a powerful new beginning that can help you get serious about your long-term goals. Your smart ruling planet Mercury skips into your sign on September 9, so expect to feel extra sharp mentally. You're wittier and quicker than ever, so get out there and impress people with your brilliance.

A big lunar eclipse hits on September 17, asking you to get real about relationships. Are you being unrealistic about love? Do you need to adjust your expectations? Face the facts while also honoring your heart, because this is the start of an important journey for you, both personally and in your relationships.

The sun leaves your sign on September 22, followed by Mercury a few days later. You might start focusing more on money, especially if you went a little overboard with birthday celebrations. Make a budget or some financial moves around the 30th, when Mercury is in a strong position. You'll have some fresh ideas, especially about your finances.

So, Virgo, this month is all about strengthening your relationships, finding new creative outlets, and getting real about love and money. It might not be easy, with the eclipses and retrogrades shaking things up, but the stars are on your side. Just remember to appreciate the people who support you, write down your brilliant ideas, and stay true to yourself. You've got this!



Augest 22 - September 23










"I am the most independent of all. Call me analytical, observant and reliable. I can be your good friend, a great business partner. My Straight thinking and logical problem solving will make you wish to be around me. Be with me, I’m calm and helpful. "


Virgoans are modest, self-effacing, hardworking, and practical on the surface, but are often earthy, warm, and loving beneath that surface, as befits their zodiac symbol, the Virgin, a composite figure of ancient goddesses of the earth and the harvest. Quick thinking and analytical, Virgoans have so much excess mental energy that they often are subject to stress and tension. Their pertchants for perfection and hard work also incline them towards being over-critical at times. The planet Mercury (the planet of communication) rules Gemini and Virgo. Virgoans are excellent and persuasive communicators who use their keen intellects to win arguments and win over people.

Highly Compatible Zodiac


Loyal , Analytical , Kind , Hardworking


Shyness , Worry , All work and no play

Favorable Colors


Favorable Numbers


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